Terms and rules

  1. Please provide your real name (not username) under your profile settings
  2. No discussions about politics or religion.
  3. Residents of all nationalities are welcome to participate, however all messages must be in English.
  4. If you wish to conduct an online poll please contact us first.
  5. You may not post anything offensive, abusive, aggressive, obscene or of an inflammatory nature. This includes anything which appears to be or could encourage such posts. These will be removed. Please note that this forum is available to all ages, sexes, races, religions, orientations etc.
  6. When posting images of children please be aware of the NSPCC guidelines.
  7. In respect of images relating to suspected criminal activity, please only share images that have already been shared publicly, eg by the police.
  8. Do not post any advertisements, marketing or promotional material without prior permission, apart from single used items which can be offered for sale to other residents. Promotional material which is affiliated to any political or religious organisation will not be allowed.
  9. Do not link to or encourage use of pornography, gambling or any illegal sites
  10. Please do not post the same message in more than one discussion forum
  11. Please always start a new topic for a new question or message.
  12. Disagreements are fine, but please try to stay on the respectful debating rather than agressive side of disagreements

Oakmount Triangle consists of Blenheim Avenue, Oakmount Avenue, Leigh Road, Westbourne Crescent and 1-5 Highfield Road
