This is an ongoing project to inform residents about the conservation area:
- Our management plan
- The implications of conservation
- How we can help you with planning.
Conservation contacts
- Conservation questions (heritage materials etc)
- General planning (extensions etc. pre-planning advice)
- OTRA advice Contact Form 02380554406
About OTRA & Conservation
When it looks at planning applications, we consider these in the light of the Character Appraisal and Management Plan and then decide how we should respond to Southampton City Council. We always happy to talk to residents, their architects or agents about planning applications, either before or after the actual application is made. (Preferably before).
OTRA can neither approve nor reject any applications. All actual decisions on planning are made by the City Council. However speaking to us first can help a lot both in regard to the actual application and also whether we can help by adding a comment in support.
Conservation subcommittee
At the OTRA executive committee meeting on April 21 2024, it was unanimously decided that the conservation subgroup should be disbanded. The subcommittee’s role had been to assess applications and report to the main committee. As online discussion is now more efficient it makes sense for the main committee to discuss applications and jointly decide on the best course of action.