Avenue Campus Development

Please see our Uni Development info hub for everything you need to know about what's happening, and how to make the most effective objection

Other Important links:
Object to tree felling on Avenue campus Forum discussion re: the development University proposal

OTRA Constitution


The Association shall be known as the OAKMOUNT TRIANGLE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION.


The boundaries of the Association shall be the roads forming and within the Oakmount Triangle, namely Blenheim Avenue, Leigh Road, Oakmount Avenue and Westbourne Crescent, together with 1-5 Highfield Road and 19 Brookvale Road.


a) The aims and objectives of the Association are to promote and safeguard the interests of the members. 

b) The Association is non-political and non-sectarian.

c) The Association is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our community, and eliminating unlawful discrimination.

d) The Association may affiliate or co-operate with other Southampton organisations which share the same objectives.


a) Membership shall be open to any person over 18 years of age who lives within the Association’s boundaries.

b) Members shall pay, if required, an annual subscription fee, which will be agreed at each Annual General Meeting (AGM).


a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee, which has full powers to manage and take responsibility for the efficient organisation of the Association’s activities.

b) The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and at least four other members of the Association.  It shall not exceed ten members in total.

c) The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any person until the following AGM, or for shorter periods as they think fit.

d) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the administration of all funds held by the Association.  For this purpose, the Treasurer shall act under direction of the Chair.  The Treasurer’s signature and that of the Chair or the Secretary shall be necessary to issue cheques and other instructions to the Association’s bank.

In order to process cards for donation or ticket payments, the Treasurer may set up a subsidiary online account purely for that purpose (e.g. Paypal or Stripe). Any such bank account will have login access for the other signatories, and will have automatic transfers set up so that any funds are moved to the main account as soon as the transactions are verified.

e) The Association’s year will end on 31st March.

f) The Executive Committee shall meet as often as it thinks fit, but not less than twice in one year.  It shall have a quorum of four members and shall take all decisions by a simple majority with each member voting only once.  The Chair shall have the casting vote if necessary. Discussion and voting may also be carried out online via virtual meetings, email or online discussion forum. Any such discussion and decisions must be recorded in the form of notes or minutes. 

g) Members of the executive committee will forfeit their position if they miss three meetings consecutively, unless there are extenuating circumstances as agreed by the committee.

h) The Executive Committee may establish such sub-committees as it sees fit.  The Oakmount  Triangle Residents’ Association Conservation Group shall be a sub-committee of the Executive Committee.

i) The Executive committee may constitute the Neighbourhood Watch Group. (2009 revision)


a) The Association’s officers shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be members of the Association.

b) Only officers of the Association or persons authorised by them shall have the authority to speak on behalf of the Association.


a) The AGM shall be held once a year on a date to be decided by the Executive Committee.  Not less than fourteen days’ notice of the AGM shall be given to all members of the Association.

b) The ordinary business of the AGM shall be the election of members of the Executive Committee, the consideration of the Chair’s report and the accounts of the Association.  It will be necessary to appoint an Examiner from amongst the members present.  This will not be a member of the Executive Committee.

c) The term of office for members of the Executive Committee will be three years.

d) The first meeting of the new Executive Committee will be held within six weeks of the AGM and the first item to be discussed will be to determine the Officers for the year.  Within four weeks of this meeting the Committee will publish the names of the Officers of the Association to members in whatever manner it thinks fit.

e) All decision of the AGM shall be by simple majority with the Chair having the casting vote if necessary


a) A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called at any time for any special purpose, either at the direction of the Executive Committee or upon request in writing to the Chair from any fifteen members, stating the purpose of the request.

b) The Executive Committee shall convene such a meeting within twenty eight days of the receipt of the request and shall give no less than ten full days’ notice of the meeting and the business to be conducted to all members.  No business other than that for which notice has been given shall be conducted at such a meeting.  All decisions at an SGM shall be by two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Discussion and voting may also be carried out online via virtual meetings or online discussion forum, subject to the same conditions. 


The quorum for all General Meetings shall be twenty members.


a) Proposed alterations to this Constitution, whether proposed by the Executive Committee or otherwise, shall take place only following voting at an SGM called for the purpose.

b) Provided proper notice has been given, SGMs may be held upon the same occasions as other meetings or AGMs of the Association.


The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of all those members attending and voting at an SGM called for the purpose.  Any assets remaining after clearing any debts shall be donated to the Highfield Residents’ Association.