OT resident Cecilia is organising a Santa drive by again in her milk float with the samba band and musicians courtesy of Lyn Brayshaw. Yes, milk float! (you may have seen it in Blenheim Avenue). All SCC licenced and safety checked:
The objective being to bring a Christmas feel to the streets and allow children to see Santa. Collecting for charities… TBA
It will take place on:
- Thur Dec 23
Starting at 5:00pm at the top of Oakmount Avenue. Please alert your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. All welcome to follow along, (naughty or nice). NB: you will probably hear it approaching anyway.
We will be playing xmas music from the milk float and have a weather-proof amplifier (Tks Jo) BUT if anyone knows musicians please ask them to get in touch and join in (but sadly singing is not allowed due to COVID).
Kids & other halves can join, my lot have decided to cycle (they will be faster than the milk float)!! Tinsel on bicycles can be fun, hey!
Thanks, Cecilia