Solar & EV charging

Please note: this is for guidance only due the fact that we have been struggling to get definitive information from SCC.

Solar Panels

There has been confusion in the past as neither solar panels nor EV chargers are explicitly mentioned in the Article 4(2). This would seem to imply, from a legal point of view, that therefore they are subject only to national regulations, ie permitted development and general conservation area regulation without any of the additional Article 4 restrictions that some other aspects such as window replacements are subject to.

These general conservation regulations stipulate that permission for solar is not required on any side or rear elevations, but is required for front elevations only if mounted on a wall. The word wall seems to very clearly not include a roof slope but for now, as far as we know, SCC planning do say that planning permission is required to mount solar panels on a front elevation, in spite of the fact they are not mentioned on the OT Article 4(2).

We are currently engaged with SCC to clarify this.

But whether planning permission is required or not, it is worth being aware of this clause regarding permitted development:

solar PV or solar thermal equipment is, so far as practicable, sited so as to minimise its effect on the amenity of the area

This implies that if there is any doubt you should seek advice from SCC.

Note that within the triangle there are solar installations on front roof elevations both with and without planning permission. As there is at least one application that has been approved there is reason to believe that whether or not planning permission is legally required, an application could well be approved. The important thing would be the visual impact based on the actual panels and the configuration.

See The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for full information

EV Charging:

Planning permission is not required under Article 4(2). 

See here for full information (Part 2 D p 25)

In either case (solar panels or EV charging) it is advisable to ring the council and ask to speak to the Conservation Officer, mentioning Article 4(2).

For example, EV chargers are not excluded from permitted development by the Article 4, and so are classed as permitted development only providing they fit certain criteria., ie  are less than 0.2 cubic metres in size, face onto or  are closer than  two meters from a highway . Otherwise planning permissions is required irrespective of conservation area.